Friday, April 16, 2010

A Video of Information Flow in Organization - Organizational Communication Assignment

Andriani - Aldo Nuari I - Etika Citra Sari - Eunike Lady A - Maria Anneke - Stephanie Cynthia - Yohanes Christ H

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

PERSONAL Curriculum Vitae

Name: Samuel Yohanes Christ Hasibuan

Place / Date of Birth: Jakarta, 29th July, 1989

Gender: Male

Marital Status: Single

Religion: Christian - Charismatic

Interests: Dance, Photography

Mobile Phone: +628998347797
E-mail : /
Personal blog:
Facebook: Yoha Chriz


Junior High School
SLTP BUDHAYA III, St. Agustinus, Buaran 2001 - 2004

Senior High School
SMAN 71, Duren Sawit 2004 - 2007

Undergraduate Program
The London School of Public Relations – Jakarta 2007 – present
Majoring in Mass Communication


Certificate of Accomplishing Advance 4 – LIA Galaxy, Bekasi
Certificate of City & Guilds English For Business Level 2
Certificate of LCCI Marketing Level 2
Certificate of City & Guilds TV Production


* Volunteer in STARDUST Theatre - London School 5th Theatre Festival 2010

* Restoration Dancer
* Backstreet Dwarves (Dancer) - Snow White and the
Other Seven Dwarves (English Division Production -
* Street Dancer on Making The Step - TV Production
(LSPR - MC11 -2B)


YOURS (Youth Restoration) - Head of Creative Division

Analisis Fungsi-Fungsi Partai Politik Terhadap PARTAI DEMOKRASI INDONESIA PERJUANGAN (PDI-P)


Fungsi – Fungsi Partai Politik

1. Sosialisasi Politik, mentransmisikan budaya politik dalam rangka pembentukan sikap dan orientasi anggota masyarakat sebagai warga Negara (Pendidikan Politik).

2. Rekruitment Politik, seleksi dan pemilihan serta pengangkatan seseorang atau sekelompok orang untuk melaksanakan sejumlah peranan dalam sistim politik pada umumnya, dan pemerintahan secara khusus.

3. Partisipasi Politik, sarana kegiatan bagi masyarakat dalam mempengaruhi proses pembentukan pemimpin pemerintahan melalui pemilu dan pembuatan atau pelaksanaan kebijakan pemerintahan.

4. Artikulasi Kepentingan, merumuskan dan selanjutnya meyalurkan berbagai ragam pendapat, aspirasi, maupun kepentingan masyarakat kepada pemerintah.

5. Agregasi Kepentingan, mengolah dan memadukan berbagai tuntutan dan dukungan masyarakat untuk disalurkan kepada pemerintah.

6. Komunikasi Politik, menghubungkan antara arus informasi dari pihak pemerintah kepada masyarakat atau sebaliknya


1. Sosialisasi Politik
 Sosialisasi politik sudah terlaksana karena ideologi politik partai sudah demikian matang sehingga konsep yang disosialisasikan juga jelas. PDIP sebagai partai nasionalis yang berideologikan marhaenisme, sebenarnya tidak perlu melakukan sosialisasi besar-besaran lagi. Partai ini diuntungkan dengan namanya yang telah begitu besar dalam kancah perpolitikan Indonesia.
 Prioritas pendidikan politik saat ini adalah :
1. kader partai;
2. Anggota partai;
3. Masyarakat
 PDIP telah melaksanakan pendidikan politik khususnya terlihat pada kader dan anggota partai, yang aktif dalam pengusungan pemimpin daerah (bupati, walikota, dsb). Sedang, untuk pendidikan politik bagi masyarakat, PDIP melakukannya dengan merekrut massa, terlihat dalam setiap kampanye yang diadakan. Massa dalam hal ini, siap untuk mendukung partai besar ini.

2. Rekruitment Politik
 (dalam kasus PDIP terdapat susunan struktur organisasi)
 PDIP merekrut individu-individu yang kompeten serta berpengalaman atau dianggap mampu dalam mengemban tugas kepartaian, serta menjunjung tinggi nilai nasionalis yang demikian kental pada tubuh partai ini. Atau dengan kata lain, mencari dan mengajak orang yang berbakat untuk turut aktif dalam kegiatan politik sebagai anggota partai. Sehingga partai juga turut memperluas partisipasi politik.
 Dikutip dari salah satu media, Pramono Anung menjelaskan bahwa tidak ada pengajuan nama untuk calon menteri dalam Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu jilid dua. "PDI Perjuangan tidak pernah mempunyai budaya untuk mengusulkan nama."
 Untuk memilih ketum mulai dari tingkat cabang. Mereka memutuskan dalam forum konferensi cabang untuk menentukan calon ketua umum yang diusung cabang yang bersangkutan. Sejak itu, proses dilanjutkan di konferensi daerah yang berlangsung di tingkat provinsi. Sistem yang dianut partai bukanlah Keputusan orang per orang sebagai perwakilan, melainkan keputusan bersama di tingkat cabang ataupun provinsi.

 Namun menurut kelompok kami, proses penjaringan calon ataupun kaderisasi yang dilakukan oleh partai selama ini belum efektif, mengingat calon yang dipasang oleh partai belum tentu merupakan pilihan hati rakyat. Tetapi sejauh si calon dianggap kompeten serta mampu membuktikan kinerjanya, maka tidaka ada yang perlu ditakutkan.

3. Partisipasi Politik
 Komunikasi politik yang ada di Indonesia secara umum tidak bisa dinilai efektif mengingat rendahnya pendidikan masyarakat dan pemahaman yang rendah akan politik, sehingga political willnya tidak jelas. Partisipasi politik harus difasilitasi dengan komunikasi politik yang baik, penilaian yang baik dan hubungan yang sinergis antara partai dengan masyarakat. Jika tidak partisipasi tidak akan pernah ada. Beberapa kendala yang dihadapi adalah rendahnya pendidikan masyarakat (karena biasanya tingkat pendidikan yang tinggi akan meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat). Untuk itu PDI-P, melalui program-program dan arah politik, PDI Perjuangan terutama diarahkan guna mewujudkan pemerintahan yang bersih, akuntabel, transparan, tapi sekaligus efektif. Penyudahan praktek KKN dan berbagai bentuk penyalahgunaan kekuasaan yang diikuti oleh perjuangan untuk mewujudkan adanya supremasi dan tegaknya hukum, pembagian dan pembatasan kekuasaan yang memungkinkan berjalannya prinsip checks and balances, dan berjalannya pengawasan politik dan sosial merupakan agenda-agenda pokok PDI-P yang harus diwujudkan oleh setiap kader dan anggota partai.
 Sebagai contoh, mengkaji hasil Pemilu Pilpres 2009 yang memenangkan SBY-Boediono, berbagai pihak dan sejumlah pengamat politik menentang rencana koalisi PDI Perjuangan ke pemerintah. Menurut mereka, dengan merapatnya partai yang selama ini menjadi partai oposisi pemerintah, fungsi check and balances dalam pemerintahan yang baru akan sulit terjadi.

4. Artikulasi Kepentingan
 Tidak hanya masyarakat saja yang dapat menyampaikan aspirasinya kepada partai. Sebagai contoh, DPP memanggil seluruh unsur pimpinan DPD untuk menyampaikan aspirasi mereka dan kader serta simpatisan terkait sikap partai, dalam hal menjadi oposisi atau koalisi, terkait kemenangan SBY-Boediono. Selama ini PDI-P dinilai sebagai partai “wong cilik” yang berbasis kedaulatan rakyat, dan kadangkala terbukti pernyataan itu benar, dan kadang tidak.

5. Agregasi Kepentingan
 PDI-P sebagai saluran aspirasi masyarakat, beberapa kali telah melaksanakan fungsinya ini. Sebagai contoh, tuntutan masyarakat mengenai keterbukaan informasi yang digodok sebagai RUU KIP (Keterbukaan Informasi Publik) yang berhasil menjadi UU, adalah berkat pengajuan dari partai ini. Kemudian tuntutan publik terkait pengusutan kasus Bank Century, PDI-P membentuk Tim Independen Kasus Bank Century. Serta Fraksi PDI Perjuangan yang menginisiasi pengguliran hak angket kasus Century juga turut membuktikan bahwa PDI-P menyalurkan aspirasi publik.

6. Komunikasi Politik
 Komunikasi dalam tubuh partai dianggap seimbang, tidak hanya menerapkan downward communication (dari tingkat tertinggi hingga ke masyarakat) tetapi juga upward communication (dari masyarakat hingga tingkat tertinggi partai).
 Salah satu tugas parpol adalah menyalurkan aneka pendapat yang berkembang di masyarakat. Usul kebijakan ini dimasukkan dalam program partai untuk diperjuangkan atau disampaikan kepada pemerintah agar dijadikan kebijakan umum, dengan demikian tuntutan dan kepentingan masyarakat tersampaikan. Sedang di lain pihak partai politik juga berfungsi untuk memperbincangkan dan menyebarluaskan rencana/kebijakan pemerintah. Sehingga terjadi arus informasi serta dialog dari atas ke bawah dan dari bawah ke atas, seperti yang dijelaskan sebelumnya. Namun, PDI-P tampaknya masih terlihat samar dalam menjalankan fungsi ini. Memang dalam komunikasi dari bawah ke atas, jelas terbukti kebenarannya, melalui aspirasi mayarakat yang tersalurkan, meskipun belum terealisasi semua dan secara sempurna. Sedangkan, dalam komunikasi dari atas ke bawah, tidak terlalu terlihat.

7. Pengatur Konflik
  Di alam demokrasi, persaingan dan perbedaan dalam masyarakat adalah hal yang wajar. Partai politik berusaha untuk mengatasi jika suatu saat sampai terjadi konflik. Peran PDI-P dapat terlihat sekali dalam proses penyelesaian kasus Bank Century, dengan inisiasi pengajuan hak angket yang diikuti fraksi partai lain, serta pembentukan Tim Independen Kasus Bank Century. Jelas PDI-P ingin menengahi dan mengusut tuntas kasus yang banyak menyita atensi publik, tidak seperti proses hukum yang dilakukan Polri dan Kejaksaan Agung dinilai belum menyentuh para pengambil kebijakan.


Susunan pengurus DPP PDI PERJUANGAN berdasarkan hasil Kongres II PDI PERJUANGAN periode 2005-2010, tertanggal 31 Maret 2005, sebagai berikut :
Ketua Dewan Pertimbangan Pusat Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (Deperpu PDIP): HM Taufiq Kiemas
Ketua Umum : HJ. Megawati Soekarnoputri
Sekretaris Jendral : Ir. Pramono Anung W.
Wakil Sekjen Bidang Internal : Mangara M. Siahaan
Wakil Sekjen Bidang Eksternal : Agnita Singedekane Irsal
Wakil Sekjen Bidang Fungsi Pemerintahan : Sutradara Gintings
Bendahara : Philip Widjaja
Wakil Bendahara Bidang Dana : Daniel Budi Setiawan
Wakil Bendahara Bidang Inventarisasi Kekayaan : NGA. Sukma Dewi Djakse

Bidang Internal
Ketua Bidang Politik dan Pemenangan Pemilu : Tjahjo Kumolo
Ketua Bidang Ideologi dan Kaderisasi : Suwarno
Ketua Bidang Keanggotaan dan Organisasi : Alexander Litaay
Ketua Bidang Sumberdaya dan Dana : Murdaya Poo
Ketua Bidang Hubungan Masyarakat & Media : Panda Nababan

Bidang Eksternal
Ketua Bidang Pemuda Mahasiswa & Olahraga : Maruarar Sirait
Ketua Bidang Buruh Tani & Nelayan : Jacob Nuwawea
Ketua Bidang Usaha Kecil Menengah & Koperasi : Ir. Mindo Sianipar
Ketua Bidang Agama & Kerohanian : Prof.Dr.Hamka Haq
Ketua Bidang Organisasi Kemasyarakatan : Dudhie Makmun Murod
Ketua Bidang Informasi & Komunikasi : Ir. Daryatmo Mardiyanto
Ketua Bidang Lingk Hidup & Pengabdian Masyarakat : Sonny Keraf
Ketua Bidang Perempuan dan pemberdayaan Masyarakat: Puan Maharani

Bidang Fungsi Pemerintahan
Ketua Bidang Keamanan dan Pertahanan: Theo Syafei
Ketua Bidang Kesejahteraan Rakyat : Adang Ruchiyatna
Ketua Bidang Ekonomi dan Keuangan : Ir. Emir Moeis
Ketua Bidang Luar Negeri : Dr. Arief Budimanta
Ketua Bidang Dalam Negeri / Otonomi Daerah : Ir. Sutjipto
Ketua Bidang Hukum & Hak Azasi Manusia : Firman Jaya Daeli

Pada tanggal 25 April 2005, kepengurusan DPP PDI Perjuangan hasil Kongres II PDI Perjuangan dilaporkan ke Departenmen Kehakiman dan HAM dan pada tanggal 30 Mei 2005 Menteri Hukum dan HAM menerbitkan surat keputusan nomor : M-01.UM.06.08 Tahun 2005 yang menerima perubahan kepengurusan dan AD-ART hasil Kongres tersebut.

TV Production Proposal - 1001 INDONESIA

Post Production and Editing

Title of TV Program : 1001 INDONESIA

Type of Program : Monologue

Duration : 25 minutes

Production Situation : Three Cameras

Name of Students :
  - Ashani Aryanti 2007110503
  - Dea Lestari 2005090793
  - Edo Diputra 2007110089
  - Eunike Natalia 2007110384
  - Felicia Yosephine 2007110267
  - Yohanes Christ Hasibuan 2007110954


1. Background
 INDONESIA is the country which having tons of different cultures. In reference of that, we would like to introduce you to the cultures that Indonesia had for about thousands of years ago, by producing this education cultural TV program. We will talk about everything relates to the cultures that every provinces in Indonesia had. From the traditional building, clothing, dance, food, music, musical instruments, and many more to surprise you. Each Episode will offer you an informational knowledge about something digger than you have ever know or maybe you have not, about the cultural details that we are going to show. Most of us knowing a tourism spot for only the recreational places, shopping centre, etc. But do we have known the history of the traditional buildings there? Do we have any idea how the cultures and habits of local people? So please introduce 1001 INDONESIA as an education cultural TV Program that will expose the Indonesian cultures from A to Z.

2. Title
1001 Indonesia

3. Audience
Gender : Male - Female
Age : 18 - 30
S.E.S : B+, A
Occupation : Travelers, Students, Workers
Lifestyle : Travelers, Adventurers, and Pleasure Hunters

4. Message
    Benefits: - Introduces Indonesia for tourism purpose
                  - Digging more about Indonesia, especially the traditional side of this famous island

    Emotional Impact: - Rising the spirit of nationalism for Indonesian
                                - Loving our own culture

5. Tone and Style
    Tone: Educative Cultural Program
    Style: Monologue and VT

6. Structure
    Scene Diagram is attached
    Production Crew: 6 Persons
- Producer : Felicia Yosephine
- Director : Eunike Natalia
- Floor director : Dea Lestari
- Director of Photography (For VT) : Yohanes Christ H
- Cameramen : Felicia Yosephine
  Yohanes Christ H
- Art Director : Ashani Aryanti
  Dea Lestari
- Switcher : Edo Diputra
- Lighting : Edo Diputra
- Script Writer : Ashani Aryanti
  Dea Lestari
  Eunike Natalia
- Editor : Felicia Yosephine
  Yohanes Christ H
- Host : Dimas Akira

7. Script
The host will be sitting on the bar chair in the middle of the small stage flanked by the plats soft lighting and soft instrumental music for back sound.
Duration: 20 minutes
Type of program: Monologue


Opening Bumper (00:00:27:06)
Consist of oldies moving pictures of flowers that represent the beauty of Indonesia. It is showed in a classic brown color elegantly. In addition, titles that show the elegance of Indonesia are shown up one by one with a dissolve transition. Then the background of this program title “1001 INDONESIA” came at last, in a gold color that shows the glory of this magnificent country. Supported by the groovy cultural music - adding the ambience of Indonesia itself. The images and the music fade. The host is already standing by on camera and start the show.

Cut 1: Host (00:00:39:05)
Hello good afternoon everybody // I’m so glad to be here // Now I’m going present you the program / that will inform / and take you to know better / about the cultural side of the provinces in Indonesia // for this episode I’ll guide you to know better about Bali // As we know / Bali is known as The Island of Gods // it is the most visited recreation place by tourists all over the world / never sleeps night life / and the mystical place with a great art // And now / I’m going to take you to the other part of Bali // My name is Dimas Akira / welcome to 1001 Indonesia/ and let’s begin the trip//
View Back Point (00:00:58:03)

Cut 2: Host (00:00:17:07)
Now let’s begin from the structural of the Balinese traditional house / and the function of each sections // there are Bale Jineng / Bale Loji / Bale Pawaregan / Kori Agung / Bale Wantilan / Bale Aling-Aling / and many things will surprise you//
Insert VT (00:07:04:23)
About the section of the Balinese traditional house and the explanation of them by the narrator

Bumper (00:00:05:00)
Cut 3: Host (00:29:07)
Thank you for staying with us here // well / apparently / as we know based on the video / there are differences of each section of the house / and the philosophy behind it / such as the “Trihita Karana” / which represents the harmony between humans and Gods // there are different areas for each activity // that’s pretty interesting / isn’t it??// after the video about the house / the next video is going to talk about the traditional Balinese clothing // and check this one out //
Insert VT (00:02:30:10)
About the detail of the Balinese traditional clothing and the explanation of them by the narrator

Bumper (00:05:00)
Cut 4: Host (00:00:23:04)
Beside all those videos before / we still have another video about the culture of Bali / this one will tell us about Balinese traditional dance / such as Topeng Panca / Wayang Wong / Rejang / Kecak / and many more / which are usually performed after religious ceremonies / And hopefully there will be no more country will claim / Indonesian traditional dances / as their own anymore/

Insert VT (00:01:23:08)
About the variety of the Balinese traditional dances and the explanation of them by the narrator

Bumper (00:05:00)
Cut 5: Host (00:00:17:06)
Wow // what a beautiful move from those dancers / it is full of detail // and let’s we walk to another video // this one is not less interesting than Balinese dance // yup…we talk about the traditional musical instrument // watch this //
Insert VT (00:01:28:15)
About the part of Balinese traditional Musical Instruments and the explanation of them by the narrator.

Bumper (00:00:05:00)
Cut 6: Host (00:00:14:09)
There are also traditional ceremonies / surrounded with magic and spiritual side // You also could find famous statues and masks in Bali / one of them is called Ngaben Ceremonial Statues/ do you want to know better? // let’s see the video //
Insert VT (00:03:26:17)
About the part of the traditional Balinese statues and explanation of each part from narrator.

Bumper (00:00:05:00)
Cut 7: Host (00:00:39:06)
As time goes by // 20 minutes have passed // I don’t think it’s enough to learn / and get know more all about culture of a region in Indonesia // but I hope / with this program / we all well informed / and get to know closer about our culture / especially for Indonesian / for those of you / who have not satisfied / I suggest you to visit Bali / and find out what else in there / then you can describe Bali on your own //
Have a great weekend / my name is Dimas Akira // I’ll see you next week / with the other interesting place in Indonesia / and its culture / only on this program / 1001 Indonesia / Dimas Akira signing off the air / bye //

Closing Bumper (00:00:27:06)
Bumper + Credit title, along with the music

8. Treatment

Synopsis (Short Narrative)
 In this Episode, 1001 INDONESIA will show you the culture of Bali. This famous island is a legend for tourism, not only for Indonesia but also worldwide. Known as The Island of Gods, Bali is the most visited recreational place by tourists all over the world. Don’t you feel curious about Bali, about what is inside this island, the beautiful detail of the buildings, clothing, dances, or even the mystic religious ceremonies? Everything relates to the culture and traditional stuffs of Bali will be exposed to you in 1001 INDONESIA.

How to treat the message?
This 1001 INDONESIA, education cultural TV program, will expose the cultural side of INDONESIA, as the country with tons of diversity. In this Episode, we will show the viewers about Bali, the Island of Gods which full of mystical and spiritual things. At the beginning to the end, the host will do monologue and show the audiences all the VT(s) that we have prepared. The VT(s) themselves are containing the inside of Bali, from the traditional house, clothing, masks, dances, and also statues. All these stuffs will do make you curious, to know more about Bali• VT(s) Type: Documentary

VT LIVE Production
Graphics: -
Light Effects: -
Super Impose: -
Music Illustration: Balinese Instrumental Music
Sound Effects: VO by Narrator Graphics: Opening Scene, Bumper, Closing Scene
Light Effects: Dim Light, with Filter
Super Impose: Subtitle of the HOST name, title of program
Music Illustration: Balinese Music
Sound Effects: Balinese Instrumental Music

• Budgeting
Research : Rp 131.500
Tools Renting
Camera : Rp 500.000
Microphone : Rp 100.000
Lighting : Rp 90.000

Administration : Rp 280.000
Accommodation : Rp 148.500
Cassette : Rp 174.000
  Rp 1424000

1. Research File
- The Research do by surfing internet: browsing the relevant sites about Balinese Culture
And others related websites
- The explanation by the tour guide

2. Studio Plan
 Layout of Studio

4 = Host
1, 2, 3 = Cameramen
The STAGE is surrounded by the properties, like plants, Balinese cloth, etc.

 Equipment and Property Placement
 - Traditional cloth – simple and casual for HOST
 - red cloth for background and 1001 INDONESIA banner for backdrop
 - A bar chair
 - Plants
3. Production Script
1. VT of Bale Wantilan
Angle: Zoom
Type of Shot: Wide Shot, Long Shot, Medium Close Up, , Crazy Shot
2. VT of Bale Aling-Aling
Angle: Zoom, Pan
Type of Shot: Wide Shot, Medium Close Up
3. VT of Bale Gede
Angle: Zoom, Pan
Type of Shot: Wide Shot, Medium Close Up
4. VT of Bale Dauh
Angle: Pan, Tilt
Type of Shot: Wide Shot, Medium Close Up
5. VT of Bale Loji
Angle: Pan
Type of Shot: Wide Shot, Medium Close Up
6. VT of Bale Jineng
Angle: Pan, Tilt, Zoom
Type of Shot: Wide Shot, Medium Close Up, Close Up, Zoom Out, Crazy Shot
7. VT of Bale Pawaregan
Angle: Pan, Tilt
Type of Shot: Wide Shot, Medium Close Up, Close Up
8. VT of Kori Agung
Angle: Tilt, Pan, Zoom
Type of Shot: Wide Shot, Medium Close Up, Close Up, Crazy Shot, Long Shot
9. VT of Mrajan
Angle: Tilt, Zoom
Type of Shot: Wide Shot, Medium Close Up, Crazy Shot
10. VT of Sanggah Pangijeng
Angle: Pan, Tilt
Type of Shot: Wide Shot, Medium Close Up, Crazy Shot, Panning
11. VT of The Masks
Angle: Tilt, Zoom
Type of Shot: Medium Close Up, Big Close Up, Tilt
12. VT of Statues
Angle: Pan, Tilt
Type of Shot: Medium Close Up, Big Close Up, Tilt, Crazy Shot
13. VT of Traditional Balinese Clothing
Angle: Pan, Tilt, Zoom
Type of Shot: Medium Close Up, Close Up, Big Close Up, Tilt, Zoom
14. VT of Traditional Balinese Bridal Clothing
Angle: Pan, Tilt, Zoom
Type of Shot: Medium Close Up, Close Up, Big Close Up
15. VT of The Gamelan
Angle: Pan, Zoom
Type of Shot: Wide Shot, Close Up, Big Close Up, Crazy Shot
16. VT of Balinese Dances
Courtesy of YOUTUBE

Opening Bumper (00:00:00:00 - 00:00:27:06)
Cut 1: Host (00:00:27:06 - 00:00:39:05)
View Back Point (00:00:39:05 - 00:00:58:03)
Cut 2: Host (00:00:58:03 - 00:01:15:00)
Insert VT of the Balinese traditional house (00:01:15:00 - 00:08:19:03)
Bumper (00:08:19:03 - 00:08:24:03)
Commercial Break (00:08:24:03 – 00:09:24:03)
Bumper (00:09:24:03 - 00:09:29:03)
Cut 3: Host (00:09:29:03 - 00:09:53:00)
Insert VT of the Balinese traditional clothing (00:09:53:00 - 00:11:23:00)
Bumper (00:11:23:00 - 00:11:28:00)
Cut 4: Host (00:11:28:00 - 00:11:51:04)
Insert VT of the Balinese traditional dances (00:11:51:04 - 00:13:14:02)
Bumper (00:13:14:02 - 00:13:19:02)
Commercial Break (00:13:19:02 – 00:14:18:02)
Bumper (00:14:18:02 - 00:14:23:02)
Cut 5: Host (00:14:23:02 - 00:14:36:08)
Insert VT of Balinese traditional Musical Instruments (00:14:36:08 - 00:15:04:03)
Bumper (00:15:04:03 - 00:15:09:03)
Cut 6: Host (00:15:09:03 - 00:15:23:02)
Insert VT of the traditional Balinese statues (00:15:23:92 - 00:17:50:09)
Bumper (00:17:50:09 - 00:17:55:09)
Cut 7: Host (00:17:55:09 - 00:20:48:03)
Closing Bumper (00:20:48:03 – 00:21:15:03)

4. Production Schedule
Camera: PANASONIC MD 10000
 Equipment: - SONY Mini DV Cassette Tape 60 Minutes (2)
- No lightings used

 Shootage Selection:

Timeline of Pre – Production:
Shoot Day 1 – 22 December 2009 at Anjungan BALI, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah
Shoot Day 2 – 9 January 2010 at Anjungan BALI, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

Timeline of Production:
LIVE Production – 3 February 2010, Studio TV LSPR

Timeline of Post Production:
Editing and finishing – after the LIVE Performance

5. Risk Assessment
Potential Problems on the Pre-Production:
- Executing the concept for VT(s)
- Budgeting for renting the equipments
- The unsupported accommodation and also the weather
Potential Problems on the Production:
- Script Problem
- Error on Host
- Switcher Error
Potential Problems on the Post Production:
- Editing

6. Edit Decision List
1. VT of Bale Wantilan
Video Transition: Additive Dissolve, Cross Dissolve, Dip to Black
2. VT of Bale Aling-Aling
Video Transition: Additive Dissolve, Cross Dissolve, Dip to Black
3. VT of Bale Gede
Video Transition: Additive Dissolve, Cross Dissolve, Dip to Black
4. VT of Bale Dauh
Video Transition: Additive Dissolve, Cross Dissolve, Dip to Black
5. VT of Bale Loji
Video Transition: Additive Dissolve, Cross Dissolve, Dip to Black
6. VT of Bale Jineng
Video Transition: Additive Dissolve, Cross Dissolve, Dip to Black
7. VT of Bale Pawaregan
Video Transition: Additive Dissolve, Cross Dissolve, Dip to Black
8. VT of Kori Agung
Video Transition: Additive Dissolve, Cross Dissolve, Dip to Black
9. VT of Mrajan
Video Transition: Additive Dissolve, Cross Dissolve, Dip to Black
10. VT of Sanggah Pangijeng
Video Transition: Additive Dissolve, Cross Dissolve, Dip to Black
11. VT of The Masks
Video Transition: Additive Dissolve, Cross Dissolve, Dip to Black
12. VT of The Statues
Video Transition: Additive Dissolve, Cross Dissolve, Dip to Black
13. VT of Traditional Balinese Clothing
Video Transition: Additive Dissolve, Cross Dissolve, Dip to Black
14. VT of Traditional Balinese Bridal Clothing
Video Transition: Additive Dissolve, Cross Dissolve, Dip to Black
15. VT of The Gamelan
Video Transition: Additive Dissolve, Cross Dissolve, Dip to Black
16. VT of Balinese Dances
Video Transition: Additive Dissolve, Cross Dissolve, Dip to Black

7. Call Sheet
Costume for host: Traditional Balinese Cloth or another stuffs, but still casual
Properties: - Traditional cloth – simple and casual for host
  - Black and White boxes cloth for background
  - A bar chair
  - Plants
  - Etc.
Planned Shots: - Wide Shot as the Master Shot
- Medium Close Up and Close Up for the monologue by host

8. Production Log
LIVE Production
Opening by Host

Part 1:
Angle: Stand Still
Type of Shot: Camera 1 > Wide Shot
  Camera 2 > Medium Close Up
 Camera 3 > Close Up
Displaying the VT(s) of The Traditional Balinese House Parts

HOST Part 2:
Angle: Stand Still
Type of Shot: Camera 1 > Wide Shot
  Camera 2 > Medium Close Up
 Camera 3 > Close Up
Displaying the VT(s) of Traditional Balinese Clothing

HOST Part 3:
Angle: Stand Still
Type of Shot: Camera 1 > Wide Shot
  Camera 2 > Medium Close Up
 Camera 3 > Close Up
Displaying the VT(s) of Traditional Balinese Dances

HOST Part 4:
Angle: Stand Still
Type of Shot: Camera 1 > Wide Shot
  Camera 2 > Medium Close Up
 Camera 3 > Close Up
Displaying the VT(s) of Balinese Music Instruments and also The Famous Statues and Masks

HOST Part 3:
Angle: Stand Still
Type of Shot: Camera 1 > Wide Shot
  Camera 2 > Medium Close Up
 Camera 3 > Close Up