Wednesday, April 07, 2010

The Indonesian Education System Improvement

English For Writing Assignment

The Indonesian Education System ImprovementBy Yohanes Christ H.
What do be done to improve the quality of the Indonesian education system? This question, may be exists in the Indonesians heart, especially for the educational expert and whoever involves in, for example teachers, lecturers, parents and more over the students. There are several things needed that should be applied, if Indonesia wants to improve its education system, which are the attitude of educational persons involved, the curriculum uses, and the modern globalize facilities.

Firstly, the thing that could improve the education system in Indonesia is the attitude of the persons who are in charge. It means having the appropriate behavior towards the education. What attitude that the Indonesian should have to achieve this goal? Discipline is a must for every single human being and very crucial. By having this, everyone who get involves in educational sector, be responsible to themselves, and more over raising the quality of education. Beside that, learning desire is as important as discipline. Desire to learn is like a commitment, It may increase the motivation inside persons who involve in. Having a help by courses, is the alternative way to reach the goal. Both lecturers and students are attending courses by professional, gaining more knowledge and professionalism.

The next thing that could improve Indonesian’s education system is the curriculum uses, in this case, Indonesia. The government is the main part for this component. It creates curriculum, and applies it for all schools, colleges, and other educational institutions. For now, in my opinion, the government of Indonesia still applies a difficult curriculum to understand. It is just too complicated. The government should look for an easier way to manage the education itself. The curriculum relate to the subject given to students. You may find, some subjects being taught is not necessarily needed.

Last but not least, the facility is the thing that can not be forgotten in improving Indonesian’s education system. A supporting building is important to support learning and teaching program. Another thing which is also vital is the use of world wide media (printed, electronic, or even internet, i.e. blog, social network website, etc). Last one, the easier access to get all of those components above. For building, the access is the legality of it, provided by the government. Then, for the global media, the access is worldwide information provided that able to get them easily.

The attitudes, the curriculums, and the facilities have to be completed and fulfilling each other, in order to reach a better education system in Indonesia. The future of Indonesian’s education is in our generation hand. The improvement is really needed, and has to be the first priority for Indonesian Government.

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